3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry – VIETNAM
Adopted in Fredericksburg, Virginia on June 5-7, 1987
Last amended at Branson, Missouri, June 13, 2009
We, officers and enlisted men, who served in the Vietnam War, do unite to establish a
permanent organization which shall be known as the “BLACK KNIGHTS.”
This, the BLACK KNIGHTS, was organized by the survivors of the 3rd Squadron, 5th
Cavalry, 9th Infantry Division on June 5-7, 1987 at Fredericksburg, Virginia.
The objects of this organization are fraternal, patriotic, historical, and educational; to
preserve and strengthen brotherhood among its members; to assist worthy brothers; to
perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; to maintain true allegiance to the
Government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to
foster true patriotism and maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom; to
preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies whomsoever.
- Section 1. Our national organization shall be known formally as the 3rd Squadron, 5th US Cavalry (Armored/Air Cavalry), 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam Veterans.
- Section 1. Any officer or enlisted man who served with the “BLACK KNIGHTS” during the Vietnam Conflict is eligible for membership. [See also By-Laws Section 101.]
Amended on March 17, 2001; and June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
This Constitution may be amended by a simple majority of the members present at the
association’s regular meeting; with provision for proxies for members in good standing
who are unable to participate in the meeting.
- Section 1. That all members of the “BLACK KNIGHTS” now or hereafter organized shall conduct their meetings in no other language than the English language.
- Section 1. A general business meeting of dues paid members will be conducted during the BLACK KNIGHTS Reunion which is held every two (2) years.
- Section 2. Amended on March 17, 2001 to read as follows:
- Amended on June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
- Section 101. Only officers and enlisted men who served honorably with the BLACK KNIGHTS during the Vietnam Conflict; and other 3-5 Cavalry veterans who served honorably since, as members of the BLACK KNIGHTS.
- Section 102. Membership dues are collected every two (2) years for the forthcoming two-year period; payable as of 30 September on the first year of the period. The amount of dues is established during the General Business Meeting of the BLACK KNIGHTS.
Procedures of the BLACK KNIGHTS business meetings will be conducted according to
Officers Amended on June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
A. Elected officers of the BLACK KNIGHTS shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. Appointed officers shall consist, at least, of Sergeant-at-Arms, Liaison, Chaplain,
Keeper of the List, Quartermaster and Parliamentarian.
Section 202. Term of Offices
Amended on March 17, 2001; and June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
All elected officers shall serve for two (2) years or until their successors are elected.
Elections shall be held at each regular business meeting with the new officers taking office at the completion of the reunion.
The term of office of all appointed officers and committees shall expire at the next
regular business meeting.
Section 203. Duties of Officers:
Amended on June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
A. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association. He shall
have the power to appoint such officers and committees from among the
members from time to time as he may in his discretion determine appropriate, to
assist in the conduct of the affairs of the association. He shall preside over the
meetings of the members of the Association and the Board of Directors.
B. The Vice President shall in the absence, disability, or death of the President
exercise the power and perform the duties of the President. He shall also
generally assist the President and exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties as shall be prescribed by the President.
C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the officers and the
members. He shall attend to the giving of all notices to the members. He shall
keep the records including the minute book wherein all business of the
Association shall be recorded, except those of the Treasurer. He shall perform all
other duties incident to the office of Secretary of an association as may be
required by the President.
D. The Treasurer shall have custody of all property of the Association, including
funds, securities and evidence of indebtedness. He shall keep the financial
records and books of account of the Association in accordance with generally
accepted accounting practices; and he shall perform all other duties incident to
the office of Treasurer or assigned by the President.
E. The Quartermaster shall provide memorabilia for the members that attend
reunions; ensure that all items put up for sale are appropriate to the group;
coordinate with the Troop that has the Hospitality Suite; attempt to locate items
members request at a reasonable price; transport all goods to the reunion, keep
all troop Guidons, Squadron Backdrops, Flags, Colors and Staffs and transport
said items to events; assist troops with off-year reunions; and make items in his
possession available to the next Quartermaster at cost. Guidons, Flags, Colors,
Backdrops, and Staffs will be transferred after the election.
Section 204. Troop Representatives
Amended on June 13th 2009 to read as follows:
A. Each Troop shall elect a Representative to conduct the troop meeting at each
reunion. The Representative will be responsible for organizing a troop reunion
every other year, and for bringing troop member concerns to the attention of the
Board of Directors.
B. Troop Representatives shall also serve as trustees of the association.
The Trustees shall audit the records and accounts of all committees, officers and
members having to do with receipt and expenditure of organization funds. The
Trustee shall not be eligible to serve on committees or as officers whose books,
records and accounts are audited by the Trustees. They shall no later than the
end of the month following the last day of each yearly period, properly audit the
books and records of the Treasurer and any activity conducted or operated on
behalf of the organization, and submit a detailed statement of such audit to the
organization. They shall verify all expenditures of the organization and certify by
their signature as to the correctness of each expenditure. They shall perform
such other duties as may be usually incident to the office, or may from time to
time be required by the laws or usages of the organization or orders from proper
Section 205. Vacancies in Office
Amended on June 13, 2009 to read as follows:
The President may appoint a temporary replacement to any office that becomes vacant
due to resignation, death or medical reasons. The replacement shall serve until the next
general election of the organization. Such appointment will be confirmed by a majority
vote of the Board of Directors.
Amended on June 28, 2003 to read:
A Board of Directors is established for an initial term of two (2) years.
Section 302.
Amended on June 13, 2009 to read:
The Board will consist of elected Representatives from each Troop (HHT, A, B, C, D);
elected officers of the association and the immediate past President (President Emeritus). The President shall be the Board Chairman.
Section 303.
Each Board Member shall have one vote. The Chairman shall have two
(2) votes when necessary to break a tied vote. A quorum of five members is required to
conduct business.
Section 304.
The Board shall meet during each Biennial Reunion and can conduct its
busine Section 301.
ss as necessary, including by electronic means.